
Donation Types and Guidelines

The ASCF is a 501 (c) 3 corporation that allows donations to be tax-deductible! Through your generous donations, ASCF contributes to rescue, health research, education and promotes good health by offering programs available to ASC members.

Contributions can be made as follows using the Donation Online Form found on this submenu.

  • GENERAL -The general funds are used for all contributions made by the ASCF.
  • DESIGNATED – Specify where you would like your donation to be applied; health, rescue, or education.
  • MEMORIAL – Funds contributed in the memory of a special person or dog. Please list the name of the person or dog and an address where the card will be mailed notifying the family of your donation. Use the donation form

Donate by Check                      

If you do not wish to use a credit card, please complete a donation form and a check and/or money order payable to AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB FOUNDATION in US funds, and contact club treasurer Susan Roeber by email at  for mailing information.


To donate to the University Of Pennsylvania/ Dr. Aguirre Eye Support cataract research project, make check or money order payable to AMERICAN SPANIEL CLUB FOUNDATION, and contact club treasurer Susan Roeber by email at  for mailing information:

BE SURE TO PUT IN THE MEMO LINE FOR CHECKS:  Dr. Aguirre cataract project


Corporate sponsors are always welcome. Please contact us for more information at